World Tax Courses

Simplifying the complex world of international tax

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Dance Drills

Learn the basics of International Tax, even if you have no Accounting or Law background

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Cardio Beats

Learn tax strategies for digital nomads & expats

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Yoga Pop

  • Learn about Double Tax Treaties and how they can help you
    Learn how to assess the tax obligations of an International Company
  • Learn how to stay legally compliant in multiple jurisdictions
  • Learn tax strategies for Companies including Transfer Pricing & Holding Companies
  • Learn tax strategies for digital nomads & expats
  • Learn about Tax Havens and Offshore Banking
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What can you expect from a World Tax Course?

Led by Andy, an International Tax Adviser & Chartered Accountant with over 10 years of experience advising multinational businesses and individuals across the world, World Tax Courses are designed to simplify the complex world of international tax and help you proactively and legally minimise your tax liabilities. 

Form & Technique

You'll burn calories and learn fun dance techniques.

Diverse Classes

We’ll mix it up: different tools, different moves, a different pace each class.


Every class can be personalized to fit your fitness needs and restrictions. 

 Olga Prodromou
"Exactly what i was looking for-laconic and well-structured material, simply and brilliantly explained, including most importantly case scenarios."


 John F
"Fantastic course. I know nothing about global tax but run an online store selling worldwide & it's hard to find good info - this has filled in gaps. Very nicely laid out and clearly presented in a way that was easy to understand as a layman.

 Paula Garcia
"I enjoyed this course, the double tax treaty examples are really clear. I also liked that the Apple and Starbucks case studies helped tie things all together."

 Chet Williams
Very good to get the big picture overview of tax systems, simplifies it very nicely. Explains some issues I've had moving abroad as an American in the past, so pretty cool to see how it all actually works, double tax treaties etc"

Morgan Tironi 
"Really engaging and easy to follow as the information and topics are well explained"

Artem Sychov
"Great course to figure out basic taxation on companies as on individuals. I've got all the info I needed and not better understand VAT, sales tax, CIT ... And have better understanding how companies and people optimize their taxes."

Have fun and get fit, even if the gym isn't your thing 


You don't have to be a fitness enthusiast to come groove with us. Kim Fit is all about getting your body moving, not having perfect form. Join me to let loose, learn some new moves, and live fit. 

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